New Patch 1.5.4 and final (?) movement tech update / Category changes / Rule tweaks
New Patch 1.5.4 and final (?) movement tech update / Category changes / Rule tweaks
Posted 2 months ago by

Patch 1.5.4 is out, and with it the final changes to movement techs :

  • Quickgrabs and Pickswapping are now gone

  • Crampon jumps are back to 3 and their force has been increased overall

This means that leaderboards are gonna be wiped a final time. To prevent further wipes due to a new patch, any run using a new game breaking tech will not be verified until the Dev's approval. It is unfortunate but this is the only way to keep a healthy leaderboard.

Category changes :

  • Removal of every old patch categories

  • Removal of Stamp% to avoid redundancy with Pocketwatch%

  • Individual Book categories are returning instead, including : Fundamentals%, Intermediate%, Advanced% and Extreme%. They will hopefully bring diversity in runs.

Rule tweaks :

Some rules have been adjusted for the sake of consistency across categories.

Happy speedclimbing!

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