Colombiase3cret1 month ago

I agreeeeeeeeeeeeeee

LucentW, jakoliath, and smCharles like this
Colombiase3cret3 years ago

Results for the REbirth patch:

Total votes: 75

Yes, it should be in the same existing categories: 37

Yes, but it should be a new category: 26

Not at all: 12

Consequently, the REbirth patch for Re3 classic will be accepted in the same existing categories for TWN/CHN and JPN starting today (04/23/2021). Rules will be edited accordingly. A filter just like GLT filter will be added for REbirth. (e.g. GLT: Yes/No - REbirth: Yes/No). Runs with REbirth will now be accepted, please make sure to check out for the rules regarding this.

Thanks everybody who voted.

NaifuFlowers, insanebb and 16 others like this
Colombiase3cret3 years ago

Hey @Holysoul sir, should be on the 23rd a few hours after the poll ends which is at 2 pm GMT-5.

Colombiase3cret3 years ago

-> VOTE HERE: <-

Hello Re3 runners, as most of you know by now, a new re3 patch has been released(Re3 REbirth patch). This post will discuss the benefits that the patch brings compared to running the older versions as well as calling all runners to cast their vote. The community will decide whether this patch should be accepted in the same existing categories, accepted as extra categories, or just rejected. Please remember you can only vote if you are an active re3 classic PC!! runner! that is you have a run already accepted and verified in the boards or your run is pending on verification and gets accepted. Voting poll -

The REbirth patch was developed by @GeminiREbirth who was also the author of the re1 and re2 patches. You can find it for free on his website:

All the features that the patch brings to the game are listed below:

  • Compatibility for Mediakite, Sourcenext, Chinese and Taiwanese versions.
  • Ability to save unlimitedly at any point in the game (it has some limitations e.g. saving at ‘in-game cutscenes’), you could only save 15 times in the older versions.
  • Less input lag due to more responsiveness. THIS MIGHT REQUIRE the runner to adapt as the game runs differently(smoother).
  • Own integrated resetting key(no need of extra software), own integrated SRT that shows boss/enemy HP, player HP and ammo, and own integrated GLT(no need of extra software)
  • Only two keys can be mapped to the same action(in the older versions you are able to map several keys for a single action)
  • Ability to reset even when you’re at the credits of the game.
  • Includes a full English translation (movies will still retain Japanese game title and subtitles) or can be used with Chinese and Taiwanese versions if the correct data is detected.
  • Improves the general compatibility on modern operating systems with no extra fiddling, lowers the system requirements (can literally run on a toaster), and improves/stabilizes performance for a smoother game experience.
  • Replaces DirectDraw 5.00 with DirectX 9, for modern GPU support, and forces the game to run in 32 bits instead of 16 bits.
  • Replaces DirectSound with XAudio 2.9, which takes care of random crashes at door transitions and fixes looping issues with all music and some samples.
  • Replaces DirectInput 5.00 with XInput, DirectInput 8.00, and Raw Input. This improves compatibility with most game controllers and reduces laggy/missed inputs.
  • Replaces DirectShow video playback with a custom video player that doesn’t depend on deprecated Microsoft technologies. No codecs required, FFmpeg takes care of SourceNext dvds/rawvideo and Mediakite mpeg, and it also adds native MP4 + AAC support for video packs.
  • Optionally fixes rendering issues like wobbly polygons and warped textures.
  • Restores all rasterization effects such as screen shakes, TV static, and special fades.
  • Adds an option to display backgrounds at the same resolution as masking sprites to have a more faithful PlayStation-like experience.
  • Adds a series of QOL optional toggles like door removal, favorable RNG for puzzles and enemy placements, and univocal outfit names.
  • Reintegrates The Mercenaries extra mode with an option in the title screen, removing the need for a dedicated executable.
  • Reintegrates the PlayStation option screen and gives it functional PC settings.

This patch makes the game about 2 seconds faster compared to older versions (tested by several runners), some may consider this a lot some may not, that’s why you need to vote.

Doors display a fade but that's just a missing effect on PC, otherwise, the game would freeze instead. What is really different with doors is that some became faster or slower depending on music changes, which in some cases are present on Sourcenext. The 2-second estimate takes these door changes already into account.

For example, the doors/cinematics that change are shown below for any% (for other categories these doors are the same but there might be a couple of extra doors that change):

All the installation steps for the patch are listed on Gemini’s website: if you want a more in-depth sept by step guide check out Levi’s video tutorial in how to install it -

If you have something to say about the patch feel free to but please make sure that is something related to the topic and also make 100% sure it hasn’t been covered on Gemini's website. Please refrain from unnecessary comments to avoid drama if you disagree just vote no and that’s it.

-> VOTE HERE: <-

NaifuFlowers, LeviTheRelentless and 11 others like this
Colombiase3cret3 years ago

Hello sir, The CHN version has different addresses for some variables so parts of the SRT don't work properly such as the timer and weapon display. We'll probably contact Dchaps and ask him if he can help us with this. For now, everybody uses it as it is as both enemy's HP and Jill's HP are displayed correctly.

Mogul likes this
Colombiase3cret3 years ago

Hi Re3 runners, after giving 7 full days to gather your votes we present the results of the voting for the acceptance of the Chinese version in the SRC leaderboards.

Total votes: 45

  1. Yes: 30
  2. No: 0
  3. Invalid: 15

So from 11/27/2020 the Chinese version is accepted for everybody to submit runs with it on PC.

Things to remember:

  • Chinese and Taiwanese are both accepted and will behave (only IN THE LEADERBOARDS) as if they were the same.

  • Rules have been edited to accept this version in both normal and category extensions leaderboards.

Thanks everybody for your cooperation, we're happy to see that this subject was managed quickly and with responsibility, we hope and encourage everybody to stick to the way this procedure was handled in order to decide future things for the community.

Have a nice day!

Crazy_Brian_96, insanebb and 12 others like this
Colombiase3cret3 years ago

-> VOTE HERE: <-

Hello Re3 runners, in the past weeks we the mods have been discussing the possibility of accepting the Re3 Chinese version in the leaderboards so everyone that has a copy of it can submit their runs in the same board where the Taiwanese version runs are submitted(head to the 'RE3 Speedrunning Community' discord server for info in where to find this version). This means that both versions would be accepted and exist at the same time in the same SRC leaderboard (No extra category). The reason why this version has been brought to light again is because of mainly 2 reasons as listed below.

  1. Lots of runners have recently tested it and discovered how much smoother this version runs compared to the Taiwanese. Some of the benefits from the Chinese version include:
  • It doesn't need compatibility mode, unlike the Taiwanese.

  • Menus run smoother than the Taiwanese.

  • Inputs in the game are more responsive (DIC's, music box, water puzzle, among several others).

  • Although this version runs better on most PC's it doesn't add any considerable extra time save(there is just one 0.4 sec time save you have in the Dario cutscene as this cutscene is slightly shorter but other than that it's the same thing, runners including Pyramidk, Sonbeto, Wolfdnc, Matty0f10 and myself can confirm this, we consider this time save is insignificant and doesn't change anything).

  • This version doesn't eat inputs as many as the Taiwanese.

  • A smoother version of the game will incentive new runners to come.

  1. There is enough proof of the game to be accepted as a legit version of the game.
  • These are pictures of the collector's edition that includes the OST CD, this copy is owned by a Polish guy:

And this is a recent purchase by WolfDNC which is the standard version of the same Chinese version.

So after discussing for a while with all of the mods we believe that the best thing to do in order to decide this is to call for general voting from all runners of the PC version of the game(you need to have a submitted Re3 classic PC run in the leaderboards in order to vote, any category allowed).

We know that perhaps the proof given is not enough for some runners so please just vote no if you disagree and avoid any unnecessary comments just as we did with the Grenade Launcher Tool(GLT) voting. It's clear that in the past there was a lot of discussion regarding this exact same matter that led to all sorts of situations so in order to maintain this thread free of unrelated stuff(and dramas yeah) please refer only to this specific subject. Thanks for everybody's cooperation.

-> VOTE HERE: <-

NaifuFlowers, xtra2Ez and 15 others like this
Colombiase3cret4 years ago

Great, thank you so much!

Colombiase3cret4 years ago

Hi guys, I'm new here, I managed to install the game and make it run on windows 10 64 but I'm having the same issue than @MandalOne as my menus and cutscenes are incredibly fast, I really want to be able to run the game. Have you found any solutions to the problem or maybe the iso I got is the issue, I don't know. I'd love if @finsterhund would share another iso, and also I tried to join the discord server but it seems that the link has expired, I'd love to join. Thanks for the help. :)

Colombiase3cret4 years ago

Hi, @666Deadhunter thanks so much for listening to the community suggestions, as @Julian said:

  1. The patch will help with various issues the PC game has(however guys we should notice that this patch is being developed for the Jap version, as I far as I know it doesn't work with the US version I'd love if @GeminiLoboto could elaborate on that).
  2. I agree with Julian that the auto splitter would make things way easier for PC runs, for both the runners and mods, so to have it as a mandatory rule since it's accepted would be a plus for the community.
  3. I agree that the previous rule would only apply for future runs so the runs already accepted will remain the same and in their due spots on the leaderboards.


Rep_Talian likes this
Colombiase3cret4 years ago

Nice @GeminiLoboto thank you so much for your contributions to the game, pretty excited about the patch you're working on, please let us know when you make some progress, cheers!

Colombiase3cret4 years ago

Yes Julian, it worked fine on win 10 and I'd love to run the game if the mods accept the solution, and possibly more runners will get interested in running the game as well.

Colombiase3cret4 years ago

Hello, to be quick, I disagree. Modifing the game itself even if it's minimum is against the general rules for the speedrun community, since it would be cheating. If you let this one be, then the next time it would be something new like "knowing the run's rng Tool" and the escene of the game and speedrun would be lost with time. Also, new runners like me would have an easier path being allowed to use GL tool compared to those who spent hours grinding the game because that factor, so it's not fair with them either.

insanebb, kenshireando and 3 others like this
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